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  • 5 tips for a wedding in summer: What to think about to make everything perfect
wedding in summer

5 tips for a wedding in summer: What to think about to make everything perfect

Are you planning a wedding in the summer? Summer weddings are popular for their beautiful and warm weather until late at night, but also for the beautiful setting that nature creates at this time of year. We've put together a few tips that will go a long way in making your big day perfect.

You can't beat the weather, but you can be prepared for it

Be prepared for extremes hot days. A small treat for your guests can be fans for the ladies, or a small mobile fan for the gents. Placing a water vapor on the patio will please all ages, cooling and refreshing the air.

However, summer does not only bring warm days, but also unpredictable storms. Make sure you have an alternative plan in case of bad weather. Have an indoor space available. Make sure your equipment is securely fastened in case of strong winds. Allow for a rain alternative in the social programme. You can entertain wedding guests with an unconventional program such as running between raindrops or scooping rain into spoons.

Choose the appropriate dishes and store them properly

For the wedding menu, choose lighter dishes. Reach for fish, good quality poultry or rabbit. Combine with grilled vegetables, rich garnishes of fresh vegetables. Keep salads refrigerated so they don't wilt. Avoid sauces or dressings that are perishable. Raw food dishes such as sushi or steak tartare would not be recommended for summer wedding menus.

Choose foods that cool thebody naturally. These are for example cucumber, sprouts, watermelon, pineapple, from herbs it is for example basil, mint. These foods in combination with a sufficient drinking regime will create the conditions for a more bearable overcoming of the heat.

Prepare hot meals with fresh ingredients. Avoid reheating ready meals. Ensure proper storage of food before and during serving. A ham cut that is exposed to sunlight will certainly not entice wedding guests to taste it.

Baked goods dry out faster in the heat, so it's a good idea to store them covered. Stackable pastry baskets are good helpers in summer.

Stackable pastry baskets, APS

For buffet tables, also think about protecting the food from unwanted insects.

Adequate hydration and a proper drinking regime

Ensure sufficient soft drinks and water for guests. The ideal way is to have large self-serve water dispensers available.

Beverage dispenser, APS

Pitchers full of water on each table are also a very nice gesture for wedding guests. Pitchers with inserts allow you to add herbs, fruit or ice to the water while not hindering comfortable pouring.

Pitcher with insert, 2.5l, Simax

Careful with alcoholic beverages

On hot days, drinking alcohol can be even more dangerous than at other times of the year. Dehydration, cardiovascular problems or heat stroke can occur more easily.

Distilled spirits should make up the smaller portion of liquids in your wedding menu. A delicious, light wine or sparkling wine is definitely a better choice. It is said that in the summer it is better for a person to take, not very chilled liquids. But the idea of drinking warm prosecco or good white wine honestly doesn't appeal to anyone. Make sure you have enough coolers for this type of drinks.

Levante wine cooler, APS

Mixed cocktails are also a good choice for summer weddings. They contain more non-alcoholic liquids than alcohol and therefore hydrate the body better than drinking spirits alone. If you have the opportunity to have a bartender at your wedding, this will certainly spice up the wedding menu nicely. And in our bartending apron, your wedding bartender will look totally cool.

Bartender apron, Zic Zac

Floral decoration that won't fade

Choose flowers that tolerate the heat well. Take inspiration from nature and observe which flowers are in season now and look good even after drying. Lavender doesn't disappoint and acts as a preventative against pesky insects. In addition to decoration, you can also include it in your drinks menu in the form of summer lemonade made from lavender syrup.

Daisies accentuate the delicacy and beauty of the bride. You will be creative if you combine the wedding decorations on the wedding board with the food on the plate. Daisies are definitely among the edible flowers and you can surprise the wedding guests with them.

The sunflower is a symbol of summer. It glows and catches the eye from afar. Again, you can link the decoration symbolically to the menu and use, for example, roasted sunflower seeds in salads.

If you want to give your guests complete comfort, you can surprise them in the toilets with sunscreen, repellent or deodorant. Any of these products are sure to be used by every wedding guest.

We discusswedding dining or wedding etiquette in separate articles. We also cover the topic of wedding gifts. Just read our blogs.

We believe that with our tips and also with the help of quality Berndorf products, your summer wedding will be comfortable, elegant and unforgettable for you and your guests. Enjoy your big day to the fullest.

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