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Autumn cooking with children

Autumn cooking with children

The autumn season is the perfect time to get cooking with the kids. Cooking with kids is a great way to teach them new skills, develop their creativity and have fun together at the same time. Equip yourself with plenty of patience and understanding for the bigger mess in the kitchen. Prepare yourself and the kids for a nice time together.

Keep children safe when working in the kitchen

It's important to ensure your children's safety before you start cooking with them. Always be present when children are working in the kitchen. Their creativity is endless and injuries can easily occur. Therefore, always keep an eye on the children.

It is also important to give children clear and concise instructions. Make sure children understand what they can do and with what.

Create a safe space. Children need steps, but it is easy to forget they are on an elevated area when they are working. Learning towers are ideal for kitchen work. If you don't have that option, use other chairs for belaying. Place children away from potentially dangerous areas. Away from the pressure cooker, blenders, sharp knives or stove.

Give children appropriate clothing to wear. Children should wear long sleeves and pants to protect themselves from burns.

Choose recipes that are suitable for children. Avoid recipes that involve the use of sharp knives, hot surfaces, or dangerous chemicals.

Create a welcoming atmosphere

Play music that both you and the child like. Everything goes easier with music.

Have a rag or handheld vacuum cleaner handy and don't get freaked out by a mild mess. There's nothing that can't be cleaned up.

For a better mood, you can give the little chef, a chef's hat or a kitchen apron.

Cooking with a child is a great time for learning

Use the time with your child for dialogue. Talk, educate your child, the topics and possibilities are many.

  • What are the names of the different ingredients used to prepare food? Where do they come from? How long and where did they grow?
  • What kitchen tools do you need to prepare food? What else can you do with it?
  • Name the ingredients or kitchen tools in English or another foreign language. Repeat the words. Add the colours of each item.
  • Use the cutting time to count or name shapes.
  • For older children, you can also cover basic first aid and what to do if you get a cut or burn.

Choose a recipe with the child's age and skills in mind

Start with simple recipes. As children gain more experience, you can move on to more complex recipes.

Give children tasks they can handle, so don't overdo them. For example, let them wash the fruit and vegetables, cut the bread or decorate the food. On the other hand, don't underestimate children. If a child dares to do more difficult work, be supportive, guide him or her. You might be surprised at what little helpers can already do. We have prepared a few autumn recipes for cooking with children for you below.

Be patient. Children can learn slowly.

Just enjoy it. Cooking with kids should be fun.

Recipes for autumn cooking with children

Simple pumpkin soup

We will need: butter, olive oil, onion, pumpkin (butternut or Hokkaido), chicken/vegetable broth, 33% cream, salt, pepper, parsley.

Melt butter and add 1 tsp olive oil. Add the finely chopped onion to the butter and sauté. Gradually add the chopped and fleshless pumpkin. Sauté briefly and add the stock. Add salt and pepper and simmer until the pumpkin is soft. Once softened, blend the soup with a stick blender. Add the cream and parsley. The soup can be served. It is delicious with croutons or with drops of balsamic.

Products used: porcelain Seltman Weiden, Model Beat

Apple puff pastry strudel

We will need: puff pastry, apples, nuts, granulated sugar, cinnamon, egg, butter

Melt the butter. Roll out the puff pastry. Pour the melted butter over the pastry. Fold dough over, incorporate butter and roll out again. Incorporating the butter into the dough makes the dough softer. Brush the rolled out dough with half of the egg. Sprinkle the dough with granulated sugar. In a bowl, grate the apples and nuts and mix with the cinnamon. Layer the prepared mixture on the dough. Wrap in the strudel. Press the ends together. Place the strudel on baking paper on a baking tray. Brush it with the remaining egg. Place in the oven for about 20 min at 180°C. After baking you can sprinkle with icing sugar.

Quick mug cake with seasonal fruit

We will need: 2 cups of semi-coarse flour, 1.5 cups of powdered sugar, 0.5 cup of oil

Mix the above ingredients into a crumble and take about ¾ cup of the mixture for the topping. Add the ingredients listed below to the remainder.

2 whole eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 baking powder, pinch of salt

Mix everything together well. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Pour the batter into the tin, top evenly with any seasonal fruit and sprinkle with the crumble we removed at the start. Bake at 180°C for about 25 min.

Kitchen helpers for cooks big and small

We've selected a range of kitchen aids you'll appreciate when cooking with children.

Bowl with rubberised, non-slip bottom

Egg slicer

Apple slicer

Funnel with strainer

Measuring spoon

Garlic and vegetable grater

Silicone butter knife

Don't forget that just as important as the preparation of the food is the actual dining. For children, we offer special children's cutlery or children's china.


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