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Sales rules from 22.11.2021
Sales rules from 22.11.2021

19. 11. 2021 Sales rules from 22.11.2021

Dear Customers, on the basis of Decree No. 259-2021 of the Slovak Health Inspectorate and in accordance with the measures taken, our company stores - Berndorf Sandrik s.r.o, Bystrická 1571, 966 81 Žarnovica and Berndorf Sandrik s.r.o, Zavarská 9266/11F, 917 01 Trnava, will be open from 22.11.2021 in the so-called " OP mode ", i.e. retail sales will be possible only for the following persons : a) a person fully vaccinated, b) a person who has overcome the Covid-19 disease in the period not more than 6 months ago. Unvaccinated customers are advised to place orders and make purchases through our e-shop www.berndorf.sk and www.kulturastolovania.sk, also with the possibility of personal collection at our stores, which in this direction will serve as a dispensing point for personal collections of goods ordered remotely. Sales to Wholesale customers, registered with an ID number, will remain unchanged and will continue to be possible without restrictions, including personal collections of ordered goods. Thank you for your understanding and respect. Berndorf Sandrik Ltd.

Sales rules from 22.11.2021
Wedding dining

9. 5. 2023 Wedding dining

When preparing for a wedding, many people pay attention to the wedding dining only at the end, or leave it to the restaurant staff. You can find out what wedding dining includes and inspiration on how to make wedding dining more interesting in this blog.
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Payment methods
ARSY line - creation of websites and e-shops