16. 3. 2020 Duck leg with black beer and cranberry sauce with potato puree

The fact that Vyhne is a village with a rich brewing and spa history is widely known. However, not many people know that Vyhne was also famous for its bowling alleys in the interwar period. Bowling gained popularity not only among the locals but also among tourists from the surrounding area. And since after a good game it was necessary to refresh oneself, the local sportsmen built a bowling alley connected with a restaurant where they could enjoy good food and local beer on tap. The bowling alley restaurant has survived to this day, with minor interruptions, and offers traditional food and local beer specials in addition to the sporting activities. Beer, as an essential part of Vyhní's history, is also closely linked to the cuisine of the restaurant itself and is part of many of the chef's recipes. Join us today for a recipe for delicious duck leg confit in black beer sauce.