26. 3. 2020 Whole roast sirloin in port wine sauce with Viennese onions and house-made gnocchi

Cooking with
Lukas Borota
Restaurant: Bat'ovka Partizánske
WWW: www.penzion-hoffer.sk/sk/batovka-u-hoffera
Tomas Bata once said "A good business is one where everyone involved is happy." This quote sums up the philosophy of Hoffer's businesses, to which guests are always happy to return. The latest addition is the Pension Bat'ovka u Hoffer in Partizánske-Velke Bielice. In the town, which the Bat'a factories breathed its former glory into. Batovka is a place where you get a fair portion of food and something on top for your money. Quality and quantity live in symbiosis here, so your gourmet self will enjoy it with you.