9. 3. 2020 Herbed lamb loin, topped with lamb demi-glace "MANJULA " with potato spaghetti and kvaka

We will stay in the village of Vyhne for a while, because it is full of hotels with excellent cuisine. Literally just a few meters from our first stop in Hotel Termál, there is Hotel Sitno. On the way we admire the beauty of the surrounding nature of the Štiavnické Hills. The hotel is a popular destination for family holidays and corporate events. In the kitchen we are welcomed by chef Miloš Szalay, who puts emphasis on the quality of ingredients and is pleased that most of them are products from local producers. He has prepared a real specialty for us, during the preparation of which we will practice a few concepts of gastronomy. We will be cooking with the almost forgotten vegetable of our grandmothers - kvass, but also with a novelty from the Steiger brewery - top-fermented Manjula beer.